Warm Springs Canyon HMA

Warm Springs Canyon, NV

Source:  BLM

State Herd Area: Warm Springs Canyon (NV)

BLM Animals on Range: Horses & Burros

Acres: 83,136

Elevation: 4,500 to 7,084 feet

Climate: Warm dry days, cool nights and low yearly precipitation

Precipitation: 6 to 14 inches, depending on elevation

Average annual temperature: not given

Vegetation: Small meadows associated with numerous hot springs, surrounded by low sagebrush/grass communities at lower elevations, to big sagebrush/grass communities at upper elevations. Typical species in the low sagebrush community includes low sage, needlegrass, squirreltail and Sandbergs bluegrass. Species typical of the sagebrush/grass communities include mountain big sagebrush, bitterbrush, mountain mahogany, aspen, snowberry, rabbitbrush, horsebrush, needlegrass, basin wildrye, squirreltail, Indian paintbrush and phlox.

AML for this HMA: 105 to 170  horses; 15 to 24 burros

Horses within the HMA are descendants of ranch horses that either escaped or were released into the area and horses raised for the cavalry remount program.

Burros within the HMA are the descendants of pack animals used by miners and sheep ranchers.

Adopted Animals